Codaicen Fishing Bass Fishing Boxes - Bass lures, baits and tools every month to help you catch fish - Hard lures, topwater lures and frogs, Soft Stick Baits, Weedless Hooks and Many Other Baits. Four Sizes to Meet All Your Bass Fishing Needs.

  • Sale
  • Regular price $14.97

The Codaicen Fishing Trial Bass Box only $14.97 and we pay the shipping. You will receive over $32 in lures and baits.


The Codaicen Small Bass Box for only $25.97 with free shipping. You will receive a retail value over $55. 



The Codaicen Fishing Medium Box is worth more than $95 of retail baits, lures and tools for only $42.97 a savings of over $50 shipped to you free of charge. 


Our $74.97 Hawg Bass Box is the optimal bass catching box. Loaded with over  $150 worth of baits, lures and accessories for your bass fishing pleasure.