Welcome to a 30-day journey exploring God's amazing love and grace. Over the next month, we will reflect on Scripture passages, devotional readings, and prayer prompts that reveal the depth, breadth, and significance of these foundational Christian concepts.
God's love for us is profound, unconditional, and everlasting. His love is what drew Him to send His one and only Son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross for our sins. Through faith in Jesus, we can know with certainty that God loves us as His beloved children. Each day will offer insights into God's perfect, selfless love that knows no bounds.
Closely related to God's love is His grace. Grace is God giving us what we don't deserve - forgiveness of sins and eternal life through Jesus. It is by God's grace alone that we are saved, not by any good works or efforts of our own. Grace meets us in our deepest brokenness and failure. This devotional will help us appreciate the extravagant generosity of God's grace, which extends to each of us simply because of who He is.
My hope and prayer is that these daily reflections will strengthen your understanding of and relationship with a God whose love and grace are greater than we can imagine. May you come to know on a deeper level just how fully, freely, and forever you are loved and accepted by the God who created you.